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The Old Town of Sargans

There had been a settlement in Sargans long before the foundation of the town. The settlement of Sargans was first mentioned as “Senegaune” in 765 AD.

In the 12th century the tower of the Sargans Castle was built. Around 1260 the Counts of Montfort-Werdenberg-Sargans came to Sargans and founded the town as the centre of their reign. A few years later, in 1271, a mayor was mentioned in a document and thus the town status was confirmed.

The town charter conferred freedoms on the citizens that the people from the surrounding villages did not have: the right to vote councilmen, their own law court, tax exemption, freedom of marriage, fines paid to the town treasury, and remunerated war service. As the town burnt down three times in the 15th century, the oldest town charter dates back to 1456.

The distinguishing feature of a medieval town was its fortification. Sargans’ fortification consisted of a town moat, a town wall or ring wall, and two town gates. Today only a few remnants are visible. Many parts of the fortification have been integrated into the buildings. As a result the town wall of the 13th century can nowadays be traced inside various buildings.

On 8th December 1811, within 6 hours, a great fire razed almost the whole Old Town to the ground. 121 buildings burnt down and 92 families lost their homes and all their belongings. The only buildings that were not destroyed were the Parish Church and the Curate’s House St Mary.

After 1812 the Old Town was rebuilt on the old foundation walls. Its medieval structure thus remained whereas the buildings that can be seen today were built in classical and Biedermeier style. After the Second World War the town centre of Sargans was moved to the foot of Castle Hill. The Old Town, however, is still full of charm and romantic appeal and invites the visitor to stroll around the lovely lanes and the beautiful buildings.

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Heritage Trail of Sargans

The Heritage Trail of Sargans is open to everyone to explore.
Follow the heritage trail signs and discover the history of Sargans.

For tours with a qualified local guide please contact the Museum of Sarganserland;
phone +41 81 723 65 69

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